Something To ‘Tide’ You Over…

Oh yeah. I punned it. In compensation, here is this weeks ‘tide’ tune, a minimal old school number by Talk Talk. This is off the 1991 album Laughing Stock which generally makes for a pretty nice evening listen. Definitely worthy of a sipping wine and low light. Kinda gentle jazz. This song has the lyrics “And still to rise beyond the tide”. Tide…

Talk Talk – Taphead

Unusually So

While I sip on my coffee and wait for my brain to get into gear, I thought today I’d put my song up, which consists of electronic, piano and double bass. I enjoy the juxtaposition of the mad ‘mechatronic’ electronic notes against the fluid piano. It seems to balances industrial sound against organic, at least for the first part, then it sort of descends into chaos.

Wesseltoft, Schwarz, Berglund – Headbanger Polka

The Madness! (More So)

I think the less said about this song the better. Tosin Abasi who started the band, plays an 8 string guitar and it’s crazy, go have a squiz at some videos of him playing it. And hey, a new album coming out soon by these fellas!

Animals As Leaders – Arithmophobia

Elephant Guerrero Ancestral Psiquico

I don’t normally use the band name as the title for the post, but in the case of this band, it’s almost a thing of beauty… If anyone has seen Adventure Time, well this is essentially the Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant transmuted into crazy prog/jazz/psych/metal music. It’s pretty whack…

Elefante Guerrero Psiquico Ancestral – Methamorfosis

Jazz Cat

It’s funny, I really didn’t have an image in my head of the lead singer from this band. And yet, watching this video, he’s not what I expected. How’s that? Anyway here’s a rather strange little video to accompany the latest song from The Cat Empire, who have a new album out. If it’s anything like their previous one, we’re in for a treat, no doubt featuring an entrancing blend of jazz, ska, and general feel good vibes.

The Cat Empire – Bulls

Fruit Salad Jazz

A rather aptly titled track by the band Trioscapes, this song carves its way across through variety of styles and random pivots in direction. By the end it’s gone through enough transformations that you could have traveled to the moon and back. Luckily the delightfully grungy bass-line pulls you along and acts as a nice anchor throughout so you won’t get lost.

Trioscapes – From The Earth To The Moon